Compliance Guidance (Audit guard)

Esteem medical solutions perform an unbiased evaluation of a healthcare provider's documentation and coding practices
With the goal of providing actionable recommendations for achieving compliance. Additionally, the service is able to identify instances of underpayment and offer advice on how to address them.
Check It's Benefits

Why Audit Guard

Provides Independent Assessment

The Audit Guard service provides an unbiased, third-party assessment of a healthcare provider's documentation and coding practices, which can help identify areas of potential risk or noncompliance.

Offers Compliance Guidance

The service offers guidance on how to achieve and maintain compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines, which can help reduce the risk of financial penalties or other negative consequences.

Identifies Underpayments

The Audit Guard service can identify instances where a healthcare provider may have been underpaid for services rendered, which can help increase revenue and ensure that the provider is fairly compensated.

Helps Improve Documentation & Coding

The service can provide feedback and recommendations for improving documentation and coding practices, which can help improve accuracy and reduce the risk of errors or omissions.

Reduces Financial Risk

By identifying potential areas of noncompliance and offering guidance on how to address them, the Audit Guard service can help reduce the risk of financial penalties or other negative consequences associated with noncompliance.

Best Quality Services For Healthcare Providers

Get Our Help in Revenue Cycle Management

If you're exhausted from using all your efforts & resources yet not seeing the revenue results you want, give us a chance to help. We've aided many healthcare providers in resolving their medical billing & coding difficulties, and our team can do the same for you.